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Estate Planning for National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

On Behalf of | Nov 21, 2017 | Blog

It is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. You may not realize it, but as you get older, the chances of you developing this condition increase. As you get ready to spend some time with your loved ones in Florida this holiday season, be sure to set aside some time to discuss your end-of-life plans with them. 

You do not want to cause your family members hardship and financial duress if you were to develop memory and cognitive issues that ultimately lead to you needing special care. Now is a good time for you to consider what your health and legal needs may be, so you can include provisions for them in your estate plans. Consider the following information about end-of-life plans and Alzheimer’s disease

Your memory and judgment capabilities may deteriorate 

Many people who develop Alzheimer’s and dementia often exhibit early signs, such as gradual memory loss, questionable decision-making skills and odd financial decisions. Encourage your loved ones to monitor your decisions and actions as you get older, so they can spot the early warning signs of these conditions and step in as needed to help manage your end-of-life affairs. 

Consider every possible outcome in your estate plans 

Consider what actions you can take with your estate planning documents to ensure the protection of your finances and health and to prevent your needs from becoming a burden on your loved ones. Be sure to establish health care and financial powers of attorney. Be thorough in who you choose to take over those responsibilities. If you have certain expectations or wishes you want followed, include them in your estate plans. Be sure to research how you can use and incorporate Medicaid, Medicare and VA benefits to help reduce your health care and long-term care expenses, so your relatives do not find themselves struggling to do so. 

Alzheimer’s and memory issues can make it challenging for your loved ones to provide you with the quality and standard of care you need and deserve. It can also cause them to experience conflict and hardship. The right provisions in your estate plans and long-term care documents are essential to protect everyone’s well-being.

